Finding Your Faith will be the sermon series from July 30th through August 20th. It will look at how faith can shape our lives. We will look at what we have faith in, as well as how much faith we have. Faith can be strong and it can be weak. But faith in Christ will always carry us through.
July 30th – The Kingdom Is…
Scripture: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
We explore what the Kingdom of God is. Where is it? What is it like? Can we really understand?
August 6th – YOU Feed Them
Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21
Jesus calls the disciples to have faith in what they are called to do. Even when the task seems impossible.
August 13th – On the Sea
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33
We are called to have faith always, but our faith isn’t always strong. How do we handle weak faith?
August 20th – As You Wish
Scripture: Matthew 15:10-28
What does having great faith mean? What does it look like? Jesus gives us an unlikely example.