Service for 9/25/2022

Pondering Questions: To Be Called

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – September 25, 2022

16th Sunday after Pentecost

Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10; Matthew 4:17-22; Romans 1:1-7.

Reflection: Psalm 99.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

To Be Called

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
To Be Called

We continue our series called “Pondering Questions.” The series is based on questions that you send in! Our next message is “To Be Called” In it, we look at a question about how we are called and if there’s specific signs.

Our scripture readings come from 1 Samuel 3:1-10; Matthew 4:17-22; Romans 1:1-7.

Service for 8/1/2021

The Word in Song IV: Follow Me

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – August 1, 2021

10th Sunday After Pentecost

Reading: Luke 5:1-11,27-32.

Reflection: Psalm 36.

Musical Reflection“Follow Me” by Muse

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.


It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam



The last sermon in the Discipleship in 3G series is “Gather.” What does it mean to gather? In what ways do we gather together? Have we answered the call to fish for people? Do we proclaim the good news? What path do we choose? We make disciples by being disciples.

Our scripture reading comes from Mark 1:14-20.