Give Thanks: For Failure

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Give Thanks: For Failure

We continue our series called “Give Thanks.” Over four weeks we explore different things that we can give thanks for. Today’s message is “For Failure.” This Sunday we explore being thankful for the failures in our lives that help to teach us about life and how we keep going.

Our scripture readings come from 2 Samuel 24:10-14; 1 Timothy 1:12-17; and Mark 14:66-72.

Service for 3/6/2022

The Dark Valley: Demanding Miracles

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – March 6, 2022

1st Sunday in Lent

Reading: Luke 4:1-13.

Reflection: Psalm 91.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Demanding Miracles

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Demanding Miracles

We start our Lenten series called “The Dark Valley.” The series looks at the way we deal with difficult times that test our faith. Our first message is “Demanding Miracles.” In it, we explore what it means to put God to the test. Even in the darkest of times, God is till with us.

Our scripture reading comes from Luke 4:1-13.

Service for 9/19/2021

Parables of Jesus: Is That Jesus?

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – September 19, 2021

17th Sunday After Pentecost

Reading: Matthew 25:14-30.

Reflection: Psalm 124.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Next week we will look at Luke 10:25-37 and will explore the question of who our neighbor is.

Ready for the Spirit

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Ready for the Spirit

Ready for Lent continues with “Ready for the Spirit” as we continue to navigate these difficult times. Being ready for the spirit means being ready for things to be different. But it also means recognizing when things are difficult.

Our scripture readings come from Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:6-11; and John 11:1-45.

Everything is Pointless

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Everything is Pointless

“Everything is Pointless” is the first message in the three week series Difficult Readings. This series looks at texts that can be hard to read. First up is Ecclesiastes. A repeated idea is that everything is pointless. Is this really true? Is this the main message? What does Ecclesiastes say about human emotion? About our own understanding? Can we really complain this much to God? Let us grow together as we explore these difficult readings!

Our scripture reading comes from Ecclesiastes 2:14-26.

I Knew You Were Waiting

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
I Knew You Were Waiting



The latest in The Word in Song is “I Knew You Were Waiting,” inspired by the duet by George Michael and Aretha Franklin. How do we handle feeling alone in times of great difficulty? Do we lose sight of God? Will Christ ever not be there for us? Is God faithfully waiting? Find inspiration anywhere and everywhere, and hear the Word in song!

Our scripture reading comes from Lamentations 3:19-33.

The musical inspiration comes from “I Knew You Were Waiting” by George Michael and Aretha Franklin.