Service for 5/26/2024

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – May 26 2024

Parting Thoughts: Thoughts on the Trinity

Trinity Sunday

Reading: Isaiah 63:7-16; Galatians 2:15-3:5; John 1:1-18.

Reflection: Psalm 29.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

You can find our After Pentecost reading plan here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Thoughts on the Trinity

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Thoughts on the Trinity

We start a new series called “Parting Thoughts.” This series marks the end of my time with the Greenup and Cottonwood United Methodist Churches. Each week I will share another parting thought before I start my new appointment. This week we have “Thoughts on the Trinity” for this Trinity Sunday.

Our scripture readings come from Isaiah 63:7-16; Galatians 2:15-3:5; and John 1:1-18

Service for 6/19/2022

Dinner with Christ: Faith after Dinner

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – June 19, 2022

2nd Sunday after Pentecost / Father’s Day

Reading: Matthew 9:9-26.

Reflection: Psalm 103:1-18.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Faith after Dinner

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Faith after Dinner

We continue our series called “Dinner with Christ.” The series looks at different things that we learn from Jesus when he is dining with others. Our next message is “Faith after Dinner.” We take a look at the importance of putting faith into action.

Our scripture reading comes from Matthew 9:9-26.

Stuck In Place

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Stuck In Place

We continue our series called “Parables of Jesus” and each week delivers a new parable to explore. Our next message again looks at the parable of the Prodigal Son. “Stuck In Place” looks at how we can find ourselves missing God’s love by being fixed in our ways. What is the story God has placed in your heart?

Our scripture reading comes from Luke 15:23-32 .

Next week we look at Luke 15:1-10. This week we will explore the joy of those who are lost and then are found.

Wandering Away

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Wandering Away

We continue our series called “Parables of Jesus” and each week delivers a new parable to explore. Our next message looks at the parable of the Prodigal Son. “Wandering Away” looks at how we can find ourselves moving away from God’s love. What is the story God has placed in your heart?

Our scripture reading comes from Luke 15:11-24 .

Next week we look at Luke 15:23-32. The sermon is the second of a two part sermon and explores a son lost by being stuck in place.

The Prodigal Father

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
The Prodigal Father

For Father’s Day, our message is “The Prodigal Father.” We may know that story of the Prodigal Son, but how often do we really think about the father in the parable? What examples does he give us of being a good father? About being a good person? What can we learn about the example we set for others? We explore this and more.

Today’s reading is from Luke 15:11-32 CEB.

Service for 6/21/2020

The Prodigal Father

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – June 21, 2020

3rd Sunday After Pentecost

Readings: Luke 15:11-32

Reflection: Psalm 103

Music: God of Our Fathers; Faith of Our Fathers

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, lyrics to the music, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

My Back Pages

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
My Back Pages



The last message in this run of The Word in Song is “My Back Pages”, inspired by the time by Bob Dylan. This Father’s Day message reflects on what it means to be like a child. Do we still ask questions like a child? Be humble like a child? Find inspiration anywhere and everywhere, and hear the Word in song!

Our scripture reading comes from Matthew 18:1-5, 10-14.

The musical inspiration comes from “My Back Pages” by Bob Dylan.