We begin our new series called “Faith & Wisdom.” In it, we will be reading from Proverbs as we explore the connection between faith & wisdom. Our first message is “Free to Care.” Today we look at how we are called through the freedom we find in Christ to care about others.
Our scripture readings come from Proverbs 3:21-35; Philippians 2:1-11; and Luke 6:27-36.
We have a special Independence Day sermon! “Called to Freedom” looks at our nation, our faith, and our responsibility. Are we a perfect nation? A perfect people? What does our freedom mean? How is it a responsibility? We look at this and more as we celebrate our nation and our faith!
As we near the end of the Easter season, we near the end of Discover Hope. Today’s message is “Set Free” and in it looks at the idea of finding freedom. Revelation gives us an example of perfect freedom, while Acts gives us an example of escaping our bonds. But what responsibility comes with freedom? How do we share our freedom? How do we use it? Join us as we rediscover hope this Easter season!
I had some discussions recently about what religious liberty is and why it is important. I was amazed at how quickly people were willing to have up religious liberty, not in the name of anything good, but in the name of feeling comfortable. Continue reading “Religious Freedom”
The next installment of The Word in Song is “Mother Freedom.” This message was inspired by the song of the same title by Bread. We look at freedom itself and what it means to us. How do we use our freedom? Do we take full advantage of it? Find inspiration anywhere and everywhere, and hear the Word in song!