We start our series called “Season of Plenty.” Over five weeks we look at the ways that we share the plenty that God has provided. Today’s message is “Harvesting.” Today we explore the idea of the harvest with how we invite others to share in a life with Christ.
Our scripture readings come from Deuteronomy 24:17-22; Galatians 6:1-10; and Luke 10:1-9.
Lessons from Job continues with “You Aren’t Helping” as we dive deeper into the book. Job now argues with his friends. Are they helping? Or are they hurting? What should they be doing? How do we handle a crisis? Let us face the lessons of Job together!
This week starts our 7 Deadly Sins series, and we begin with “Pride.” Is pride always a bad thing? What happens with pride? How can we keep pride in check? We explore this and more as we explore the 7 deadly sins.