Service 9/15/2024

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – September 15 2024

Means of Grace: Justice

17th Sunday after Pentecost

Reading: Isaiah 58:6-10; James 2:1-10; Matthew 23:1-7,13,23-24.

Reflection: Psalm 112.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Means of Grace: Justice

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Means of Grace: Justice

We finish our series called “Means of Grace.” Over four weeks we looked at different ways we respond to grace as individuals and a community. Today’s message is “Justice.” Today we explore our community acts of mercy to change society as a response to grace.

Our scripture readings come from Isaiah 58:6-10; James 2:1-10; and Matthew 23:1-7,13,23-24.

Service for 3/7/2021

Promise of Lent: Promise of Justice

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – March 7, 2021

3rd Sunday in Lent

Reading: Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22.

Reflection: Psalm 19.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Promise of Justice

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Promise of Justice

Our series for Lent is Promise of Lent. Each week we look at the promises we are reminded of in Lent. The message for today is “Promise Everlasting” and is a look at God’s eternal promises to us. We look at Jesus cleansing the temple today as an act of justice. How do we reflect on the path to the cross during Lent? What is the promise that guides us? We follow Christ in the promise of Lent.

Our scripture readings for today come from Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22.

Service for 10/4/2020

Means of Grace: A Thirst for Justice

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – October 4, 2020

18th Sunday After Pentecost

Readings: Isaiah 1:10-20, Ephesians 4:17-24, Luke 18:1-8.

Reflection: Psalm 26.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

A Thirst for Justice

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
A Thirst for Justice

Our series is Means of Grace. In it, we will be exploring spiritual practices that help us grow in discipleship. The fourth of these is “A Thirst for Justice” and looks at why seek justice. Why should we seek justice? What do we do when we think we can’t make a change? Can we make it a regular part of our lives? As we explore how we interact with God, we grow in faith and love.

Our scripture reading for today comes from Isaiah 1:10-20, Ephesians 4:17-24, Luke 18:1-8.

Peace and Justice

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Peace and Justice

The last entry in the Day by Day series is our Pentecost message. “Peace and Justice” takes a look at what it means to share peace with others. It is also a hard look at the way that we must take action for justice. In troubling times, those who can speak must speak for those who are not heard. If the Holy Spirit is for all, how do we work on ensuring that all people can share in peace? Day by day, we share God’s love and mercy.

Our scripture readings are from Acts 2:1-21 and John 20:19-23.

Service for 5/31/2020

Day by Day: Peace and Justice

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – May 31, 2020

Day of Pentecost

Readings: Acts 2:1-21; John 20:19-23

Reflection: Psalm 107:24-35

Music: Holy Spirit, Truth Divine; We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, lyrics to the music, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.


It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam

Our new series is Women in Jesus’ Genealogy. This series looks at the 5 women mentioned in the first chapter of Matthew. Up first is “Tamar” and her quest for justice with Judah. Tamar seems an unlikely character to highlight. So why is she mentioned? Join us as we explore their faith journey and ours!

Our scripture reading comes from Genesis 38:11-19, 24-30.

Hungry Heart

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Hungry Heart



Today marks the beginning of our third installment of The Word in Song with “Hungry Heart.” What does your heart long for? What do you desire? It it good? Is it bad? Do we consider our intentions when we act? The intentions of others? What does God want? Find inspiration anywhere and everywhere, and hear the Word in song!

Our scripture reading comes from Jeremiah 17:9-14.

Our musical inspiration comes from “Hungry Heart” by Bruce Springsteen.