We continue our series called “God Can” The series revolves around God’s interactions with people. Our next message is “God Hears.” In it, we look at God hearing our prayers. Do we sometimes doubt God hears us? Do we take the time to listen to God? How does it change our prayers?
Our current series is Take Care. Each week’s message will look at an aspect of self-care. The message for today is “Take Advice” and is a reflection on needing to take listen to others. What is the importance being willing to listen? Do we stop ourselves from learning important lessons? It is important for us to take care of ourselves in following Christ.
Our Easter series is Faith Resurrected. Each week’s message is based on words from the Gospel reading for that week. The message for today is “Listen to My voice” and is a reflection on what it means to listen to and to follow Christ. How do we show we follow Jesus? How are we supposed to love? How are we an example of a life changed in Christ? Our risen Savior guides us in our journey of faith.