Service for 5/26/2024

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – May 26 2024

Parting Thoughts: Thoughts on the Trinity

Trinity Sunday

Reading: Isaiah 63:7-16; Galatians 2:15-3:5; John 1:1-18.

Reflection: Psalm 29.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

You can find our After Pentecost reading plan here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Thoughts on the Trinity

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Thoughts on the Trinity

We start a new series called “Parting Thoughts.” This series marks the end of my time with the Greenup and Cottonwood United Methodist Churches. Each week I will share another parting thought before I start my new appointment. This week we have “Thoughts on the Trinity” for this Trinity Sunday.

Our scripture readings come from Isaiah 63:7-16; Galatians 2:15-3:5; and John 1:1-18

Service for 6/4/2023

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – June 4, 2023

The Spirit Moves: Moved as One

Trinity Sunday

Reading: Matthew 28:16-20; Ephesians 4:1-6, 25-32.

Reflection: Psalm 8.

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.

Moved as One

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
Moved as One

We continue our current series called “The Spirit Moves.” In it, we will be looking at the Holy Spirit . Our second message is “Moved as One.” Today we look at Trinity Sunday and the way that we are moved as one by the Spirit.

Our scripture readings come from Matthew 28:16-20 and Ephesians 4:1-6, 25-32.

There will be no new message next week.

God’s Creation

It's Pastor Cam
It's Pastor Cam
God's Creation

Our sermon for Trinity Sunday is “God’s Creation.” In it, we look at what it means to care for God’s creation and for humanity. What does it mean if we are created in God’s divine image? How do we accept being given charge over all creation? Do we think about each other as being created in the image of God? How does this change the way we interact? Let us be in ministry in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Our scripture readings come from Genesis 1:1-2:4a and Matthew 28:16-20. Today’s readings are from the Common English Bible.

Service for 6/7/2020

Trinity Sunday: God’s Creation

GreenupCottonwood, & Lerna United Methodist Churches

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael – June 7, 2020

Trinity Sunday

Readings: Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Matthew 28:16-20

Reflection: Psalm 8

Music: Come, Thou Almighty King; Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

Today’s full service can be viewed on YouTube here or below.

Today’s full service text can be viewed, downloaded, or printed here.

Included in the PDF is the text of today’s sermon, lyrics to the music, scripture readings, prayers, the prayer list, and all other service information.