Greetings! Time for a weekly update! I would like to begin this week with a few matters of what is and is not happening right now.
As when I was writing this there is breaking news of a “stay at home” order. This means that it is highly recommended to cut out any social activity. If you can work from home, you should work from home. Only go to the store when needed. You can still go outside but should avoid going in groups. You are not going to risk being arrested by going somewhere. Just use caution and common sense. On another note, here are some things you should be careful about:
- Nobody is doing door to door testing. If someone claims to be testing for the virus at your house, call 911. Do not give them any information. This is a scam to collect personal information about you.
- If the government is going to mail out checks, they will not call you for banking information or personal information. Anyone who is calling asking for that is trying to steal your information. Please use caution when anyone calls asking for your banking information.
- Medical professionals will not ask for things such as your social security number. Unknown offices will not call to get your information to set up testing. You should not give out information to unknown people at your door or over the phone. Most doctors’ offices will only require verification of your date of birth. This will happen from offices you know.
- The national guard is not going to come force you to stay in your home. The national guard is being mobilized but they are being used to mainly to assist with emergency needs. This includes helping to set up testing places, delivering food, and possibly helping closed hospitals reopen. They are not being called in to enforce a quarantine.
- There is no reason to hoard anything. Stores are not shutting down and are seen as essential at this time. They will be open. If we do not panic, there will be no shortages.
- If you do not need to be out, stay home. This is temporary. It is easy to say “this won’t affect me” but there have already been cases in our small communities. Please do not put the Lord to the test.
In other news, Bishop Frank Beard recently gave the Illinois Great Rivers Conference guidance which includes suspending in person services until April. The conference will be reviewing that before April. To be honest, it will likely be mid-April before we are together again at the church building. I know this is difficult but remember that extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Let us be extraordinary people of calm comfort during this anxious time. God will see us through.
There were also temporary guidelines for doing communion online. If anyone is interested, I would be willing to look at doing a live communion service on April 5th. And if you are thinking “I thought we would be back” then that brings me to my next point.
The Governor’s “stay at home” order will last at least until April 7th. This means that we will have at least two more Sundays where we will not meet in person. As such, I am working on having a video service available online at here and on my YouTube Channel for anyone interested. I’m looking to include music, prayer, and my weekly sermon. If there is anything you would like to contribute, let me know! There will also be printed materials available at the churches to pick up. Please feel free to contact me for more information.
Also, in this time we are still working to keep the bills paid, our missions supported, our apportionments met, and our outreach working. As such, we do need your continued financial support as part of the church. Offerings may be sent to your local treasurer or to the PO Box listed below. I can also arrange to pick them up if I am delivering anything to you. I am personally grateful for all your continued support in this difficult time.
If anyone is interested in online groups or interested in how to form one, I am available to help.
Please see the CDC website for information on the Coronavirus. Make sure to wash your hands, as it is the best way to keep from spreading the virus. If you are not feeling well, running a temperature, or otherwise seem to be taking ill, stay at home and let someone know. That way someone can check in if you get worse and you won’t risk spreading anything to others. If you are needing someone to pick up things at the store and don’t feel you should be out, contact a friend or myself. I will be doing shopping for people as needed for those who do not want to be out. I personally am volunteering as a younger adult who is not at high risk in order to help anyone who needs it. Please let others know, and together we will all see this through safely.
Please stay safe. You are all in my prayers. I will keep you updated as best I can. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your Church Council Chair or myself.
Rev. Cameron D St.Michael
(316)530-3182 (call or text)
PO Box 54, Charleston IL 61920