Greetings! Time for a weekly update!
We are set to move into Phase 3 at the end of the month. This will allow for gatherings of up to 10. However, I am recommending at this time that we do not resume full worship services.
We would have to have a system for registering and in many cases, we would only have room for 7 people because of my family being with me. I appreciate the tremendous patience of everyone involved in this. I am interested in hearing from you about interest in small prayer services with Holy Communion being served in a safe manner. Masks will be required. I am still having trouble getting around to all the calls I need to make, as time is still limited. If things go well and numbers stay down, we will be able to move into Phase 4, which will allow for groups up to 50. It will still not allow for singing and will still require having seating planned out. I know this is tricky, but we will get it figured out. I know we can. The full plan from the conference is available at the conference website at
There are copies of the Upper Room available in Greenup in the box. You can also find the current issue online. The new Sunday school quarterly is also in the box for whoever is interested.
Annual Conference has been rescheduled Friday August 14th and Saturday August 15th. General Conference is going to be next year, and I will have more information about that later.
I am still looking for pictures and music to share in services. I’m happy to share prayer requests, video, or anything you would like to share. If you would like to use the church to record music for service, please contact me so that I can give the best guidance I can for both social distancing and recording format. I take your safety very seriously!
As we move into a new phase of recovery in Illinois, please become familiar with the new guidelines. Not all restrictions have been lifted, and if there is a surge, we can go back from Phase 3 into Phase 2 again. This includes social distancing and wearing a mask.
I will be continuing to have our worship services online and in print! It is on YouTube and a link can be found on my website as listed below. I am also posting the information on the church Facebook page. If there is anything you would like to contribute, let me know! There will also be printed materials available at the churches to pick up. Please feel free to contact me for more information. If anyone is interested in doing music for any upcoming service, please let me know. There are many options for doing this. I can also share readings or any other video that you’d like to make part of the service. Participation is welcome!
Also, in this time we are still working to keep the bills paid, our missions supported, our apportionments met, and our outreach working. As such, we do need your continued financial support as part of the church. Offerings may be sent to your local treasurer or to the PO Box listed below. I can also arrange to pick them up if I am delivering anything to you. I am personally grateful for all your continued support in this difficult time. I cannot stress enough that the church is still active and we are still together.
If anyone is interested in online groups or interested in how to form one, I am available to help. There are free tools available to be able to still meet online for Sunday School or other meetings.
Please see the CDC website for information on the Coronavirus. If you do go out, please follow all distancing guidelines, and if you can, cover your face. Please let others know, and together we will all see this through safely. This is a very real and very serious pandemic. Please do not share false information about it. It only works to undermine the people doing the dangerous work of trying to keep us all safe. If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them or direct you to a source that can.
Please stay safe. You are all in my prayers. I will keep you updated as best I can. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your Church Council Chair or myself.
Rev. Cameron D St.Michael
(316)530-3182 (call or text)
PO Box 54, Charleston IL 61920