Update on in person worship

So, after meeting with all three churches, Greenup, Cottonwood, and Lerna United Methodist Churches, each has decided that we will resume in person worship July 5th. This is dependent upon the state moving the region into Phase 4, which would initiate Phase 4 of the IGRC plans. There will be a limit of 50 people in worship. Everyone must wear masks and practice social distancing. Seating will be 6 feet apart. There will not be congregational singing, shaking of hands, or passing of any objects between people. People in the same household may sit together. Special care will need to be taken so that we also practice distancing on arrival and leaving. Following these guidelines, we will be able to return to worship in person. I will still make printed copies of the service available, as well as continuing the audio podcast of the sermon. If you are interested in continuing to have video services, please let me know. If you have any questions about the guidance, I am available to answer questions via phone, text, email, or social media.

Rev. Cameron D St.Michael



(316)530-3182 (call or text)

PO Box 54, Charleston IL 61920


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