Greetings! I’m returning with a weekly update this week because of a change in our situation here in Illinois.
We are suspending in person worship through December 13th. That may end up being extended, and I will have that information as soon as it is available.
As we enter the season of Advent, I am looking for anyone who would like to add anything to worship. Music, readings, prayers, or anything else that you’d like to add, please contact me. I would love to add whatever we can to the services. I also want to apologize, as I am trying to get things printed and emailed earlier in the week, but sometimes life happens.
I do want to give a special thanks to all of you that have been a part of our in-person services. Everyone has been doing a wonderful job of following the best safety practices and showing a love for each other that way. I am proud of you all, and thankful for all of you.
If you know someone who would like to receive printed information every week, please let me know. If you come to this online, feel free to share it.
The church is still active and working, and as such, still needs your financial support. Please contact me or the church treasurer for options. Thank you for your continued support.
Please see the CDC website for information on the Coronavirus or the IDHP website for information about the current Illinois situation and restrictions.
Please stay safe. You are all in my prayers. I will keep you updated as best I can. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your Church Council Chair or myself.
Rev. Cameron D St.Michael
(316)530-3182 (call or text)
PO Box 54, Charleston IL 61920