7 Deadly Sins looks at a list of sins that has permeated across pop-culture. But what are the sins, really? Every week we will cover a different one of the 7 sins, exploring what each means to us today.
June 24th – Pride
Luke 18:9-14
When our focus becomes our own greatness.
July 1st – Greed
Acts 4:32-5:11
The need for more, at any cost.
July 8th – Envy
1 Samuel 18:6-16
Resenting others leads to troubles in our own lives.
July 15th – Wrath
Daniel 3:9-27
The destructive power of anger unchecked is a great one.
July 22nd – Gluttony
Amos 6:1-7; Ezekiel 16:48-50
Excess at the expense of others and ourselves.
July 29th – Lust
2 Samuel 11:2-16
Our desires can lead us down the darkest of paths.
August 5th – Sloth
Luke 10:25-37
Inaction in the face of those in need.